Systematics of Clitoria in South East Asia

Approximately 60 species of Clitoria are distributed in Tropical-subtropical areas, and most of them are native to the Neotropical area (Fantz and Predeep 1995). Many species of Clitoria are endemic and some of them are endangered and threatened on global and regional scales. My research project is a study on the species of Clitoria in South East Asia. The aim is to provide a taxonomic revision of the taxa in the genus. This will include collecting samples and other data in the field and analyzing and classifying data relating to the systematics, ecology and ethnobotany of Clitoria. This project will seek to explain drivers of species diversity and distribution, and limiting factors for each species. Finally the data will be used for guiding the conservation policy relevant to Clitoria in South East Asia.   

1. Subgenus Bractearia; Clitoria fairchildiana Howard,
2. Subgenus Clitoria; C. ternatea L. and C. heterophylla Lam.
3. Subgenus Neurocarpum;
3.1 Section: Mexicana; C. mariana L.
3.2 Section: Tanystyloba, C. chanondii W. Chuakul, C. cordiformis Fantz , C. hanceana Hemsley, C. javanica Miq., C. linearis Gagnep., C. macrophylla Wall. ex Benth.
3.3 Section: Neurocarpum, C. falcata Lam. and Clitoria laurifolia Poir.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith